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Saturday, October 15, 2011



Umckaloabo (Pelargonium sidoides) is a medicinal geranium-like plant from southern Africa with antibacterial properties. The root is used for the treatment of acute and chronic infections of the throat, nose and ear cavities, for sinusitis, acute and chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis.  Research in Europe is verifying what traditional medicine men of Lesotho and South Africa have long known about this herb.

Englishman, Charles Henry Stevens claimed the Umckaloabo plant cured his tuberculosis back in 1897.  Stevens built a business selling the root powder in Europe without revealing the origin of the medicine, and finally in 1972 German research identified the plant.  Now Umckaloabo products are widely sold in Germany.

This wild geranium is adorned with trailing stems, grey foliage and deep burgundy-black flowers.  California nurserymen have called it one of the best silver foliage perennials.  Sow seeds anytime in the spring, perhaps a few seeds every week until the end of spring.  Germination of the Umckaloabo is said to be moderate in nature, meaning is does not germinate easily.  It is a hardy perennial in zones 10-11+. 

The following is a very informative site for Umckaloabo, it outlines as follows:

Umckaloabo (Pelargonium sidoides)
Related Terms
Interactions with Drugs
(And an impressive list of) Attributions

Shebolith Says…on occasion something on TV prompts her to begin research on a subject.  Such is the case in this instance.  Dr. Oz recommended Umckaloabo on his TV show a couple of weeks ago.  After looking through his site this morning and not finding, anything about the plant, Umckaloabo, or its medicinal properties Shebolith Says…thinks Dr. Oz is not that serious about promoting Alternative Health Care using Herbs and other natural remedies.

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