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Monday, July 11, 2011

From Constipation to Cancer

From Constipation to Cancer

Chronic constipation, along with its attending stranded travelers of undigested food, fungi, bacteria , viruses and parasites cause inflammation of the lining in the digestive tract.  Constant inflammation causes deterioration of the intestinal walls, allowing food to get absorbed into the blood before it is completely digested; this is also known as intestinal permeability (leaky gut).  It seems that holistic physicians have known that “leaky gut” is a significant problem in fibromyalgia and CFS.  When large chunks of proteins are absorbed into your blood before they are fully digested, it triggers allergic reactions to those proteins.  This is why food allergies are common in CFS and fibromyalgia.  Digestive enzymes as found in pineapple and papaya can help break down the proteins before they are absorbed.

The immune system must finish the job of protein digestion.  After an extended time, this can overwhelm and exhaust the immune system.  Add a little fungus to an exhausted immune system to be diagnosed with Lupus.  Altered intestinal permeability is a key element in the pathogenesis of many different diseases.

The digestive system is a series of organs making up the digestive tract.  It begins with the mouth and ends with the anus.  Between you, have the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and the rectum.  All these are a series of hollow organs joined in a long and twisting tube.  There are two solid digestive organs, the liver and the pancreas.  These produce digestive juices that reach the intestine through small ducts.  Finally, the gallbladder is an organ of the digestive system.  It stores the liver’s digestive juices until they are needed in the intestine.

Every morsel of food, every sip of every drink you take and all the pills and pharmaceuticals taken orally have to be transformed by the digestive tract into forms the body can absorb.  The digestive tract will turn food, drink, and other material into smaller molecules that can be absorbed into the blood and carried to cells throughout the body.  Some of it passes through as nourishment and some of it passes through as poison.

Other travelers in the digestive system are fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasites.  Ill health begins when the constant movement of travelers slow and even stop as in the condition of chronic constipation.

The digestive process is controlled with hormones and nerves.  The hormones gastrin, secretin and CCK are produced in the lining of the stomach and small intestine.  Other hormones that regulate the digestive system regulate the appetite, they are; Ghrelin, which stimulates the appetite and Peptide YY that inhibits appetite.  These are also produced in the digestive tract but work on the brain to help regulate the intake of food for energy.  Finally, we have two types of nerves that help to control the action of the digestive system.

Together, nerves, hormones, the blood and the organs of the digestive system conduct the complex tasks of digesting and absorbing every molecule you consume in whatever form you consume it.

One of the largest complaints I have heard about pharmaceuticals today is that they cause constipation.  Constipation is often the first sign of ill health on the other hand constipation can cause ill health.  The most notable condition that affects the lining of the intestine is called Leaky Gut Syndrome.  In 2005, Leaky Gut Syndrome, according to Dr Andrew Weil, was not generally recognized by conventional physicians. 

Dr Weil says, “Leaky gut syndrome is not generally recognized by conventional physicians, but evidence is accumulating that it is a real condition that affects the lining of the intestines.  The theory is that leaky gut syndrome (also called increased intestinal permeability), is the result of damage to the intestinal lining, making it less able to protect the internal environment as well as to filter needed nutrients and other biological substances.  Therefore, some bacteria and their toxins, incompletely digested proteins and fats, and waste not normally absorbed may "leak" out of the intestines into the blood stream.  This triggers an autoimmune reaction, which can lead to gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal bloating, excessive gas and cramps, fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin rashes, and autoimmunity.  The cause of this syndrome may be chronic inflammation, food sensitivity, damage from taking large amounts of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), cytotoxic drugs and radiation or certain antibiotics, excessive alcohol consumption, or compromised immunity.”

Shebolith Says…irregularity can make you uncomfortable, grumpy, and out of sorts, but chronic constipation can lead to painful hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, and certain kinds of cancer.  The best way to combat constipation is nature’s way.  Grandmother would encourage us to eat fiber rich fruits and vegetables, she believed laziness was a cause of constipation and so encouraged us to be physically active, she encouraged us to drink plenty of fresh water and last but certainly not least, she encouraged us to make use of the outhouse at a regular time every single day.  The consequences of not listening to Grandmother were grave.  Irregularity in any one grandchild caused all the children to have to line up for a dose of Castor Oil.

I have since discovered there is herbal relief for irregularity.  There are two main types of laxatives, the first, flax, glucomannan and psyllium is the kind that act like fiber and bulk up your stool and then there is the stimulants, cascara sagrada, castor oil, Chinese rhubarb, fo-ti  and senna, which are the kind that get the muscles of your digestive tract to push things along. Milder herbal alternatives include dandelion root, chicory and elderflower. 

All of the herbal laxatives can cause uncomfortable and serious side effects.  Before you self-medicate with one of these herbs, remember that natural does not necessarily mean gentle.  Read labels, including any warnings and follow the directions carefully.

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